About the Artist:
Rockcreek Steel Drums was founded by Kevin Martin.
Rockcreek Steel Drums participates in the expansion of the steel pan art form through instrument construction, education and performance...Kevin Martin began building steel pans in 1989 while studying Policy Analysis at Cornell University.
Rockcreek Steel Drums has built thousands of steel pan shipped to over 30 countries around the world.
As a member of the musical group The Geckos, based out of Annapolis, MD Kevin has performed thousands of gigs in the MD/DC/VA area. In the past 13 years Kevin and Rockcreek have brought steel pan residencies and large group workshop programs to over 400 schools up and down the east coast.
you can learn more about Kevin and Rockcreek Steel Drums at www.rockcreeksteeldrums.com
Type of Programs Offered
Based out of the Annapolis, MD area, we work throughout Maryland during the year in addition to seasonal regional and national tours.
Whether it is a one Day Artist in Residency or a Year Long 8 visit Residency, the Beginner Steel Pan Artist In Residence Program follows the same model.
Rockcreek Steel Drums has a virtual Orientation meeting with the school administration/teachers prior to the residency where we discuss the schedule planning, residency goals, final performance, workshop space, special needs of students, and any else needed.
Kick off Large Group Interactive Assembly
The Residency begins with a large group workshop/assembly for all the participating classes. Students will hear the steel pan played, learn about it’s birth in Trinidad and Tobago in the 1940’s, learn how to hold mallets, some conductor signs and play their first song as a group on steel pans. The Large Group Workshops are for groups of up to 100 per kickoff workshop. The kickoff Interactive Assembly can be 30 minutes or 45 minutes depending on scheduling.
Class Workshops and Rehearsals
For the duration of the Artist In Residence program participating classes come for 30 or 45 minutes workshops where they develop the skills to perform in a steel band. We learn melodies, conductor signals, scales, how to strum chords, how to read folk charts, and how to create good tone on the instrument while learning a repertoire of songs.
Final Concert Rehearse
Final Concert
At the final concert, each participating class performs a different song(s) so that we have a full concert between the classes. Students completing the residency will have experienced being in a band, learning how to participate in a musical rehearsal, performing chords and melodies on an instrument……….. and having played a concert as a member of a band.
Evaluation Meeting at end of Residency
Rockcreek Steel Drums is a member of the Maryland State Arts Council Teaching Artist Roster and in Baltimore City on the ArtsEveryDay teaching artist roster. Both of these rosters can provide grants covering up to 100% of the cost of school visits for Maryland Public Schools and Nonprofits. We can help prepare the grant applications for The Maryland Arts Council’s Arts In Education Grants……. contact us at [email protected] to learn more. or visit us at www.rockcreeksteeldrums.com
Appropriate Grade Levels:
Curriculum Connections
The Rockcreek Steel Drums Beginner Steel Pan Residency can be delivered as a straight up Arts Education steel band residency with a final performance or as an Arts Integrated residency
We have done dozens of versions of our arts integrated steel pan residency including: The Algebra 1 of steel pan, The Physics of Steel Pan, The World History of the Steel Pan of Trinidad and Tobago, Learning Ratios making shakers, A song called $1.28 (learning to count change and write melodies) and many more.
This program is offered as:
The Steel Drum Experience is a one visit large group steel pan workshop for up to 80 students per workshop.
It is an interactive assembly where students will learn a bit of history of the steel pan, how it is made, and each student will learn to play a complete song on the steel pan as a member of a steel pan band. This is a great way to give a whole grade the experience of playing in a band on an instrument in a 45 minute workshop. The large group workshop visit can take place in the gym, a large workshop room, or outdoor depending on the time of year. We have taught over 100,000 students to play the steel pan with our school programs. The cost for a 2 hour block (two workshops with up to 160 students total) is $800 and a four hour block (up to four large group workshops and up to 320 students total is $1,500.
Appropriate Grade Levels:
Curriculum Connections
The one visit large group Steel Pan Experience workshops give students curriculum connections of geography, history of pan as well as how a drum is constructed as well as the elements of music and performance of melody as a group in a band.
This program is offered as:
Program Costs:
Artist In Residency Program Day Costs include: residency planning, equipment and setup, teaching, supplies, and travel in AA Co.
Full Day Residency Program
1 Day $1,200
2 Day $2,400
3 Day $3,400
4 Day $4,200
5 Day $4,900
Half Day Residency Costs
$800/half day
In Anne Arundel County we offer 1/2 Day residencies in order for schools to be able to set up a four half/day visit residency for $3,200
A half day is a four hour block of time...... example 8:30am-12:30am
Travel requirements or restrictions:
We are based in Anne Arundel County and are available throughout the county.
Required Materials:
Rockcreek Steel Drums provides all sound system equip, instruments, teaching supplies, and materials.
We can provide introduction videos for teachers to use in their classroom prior to the residency where that is useful
Additional Notes:
Rockcreek Steel Drums has brought our steel pan residencies and workshops to over 400 schools over the past 13 years. We are excited to come to yours.
Check out Rockcreek Steel Drums Documentary video - https://www.engagemmd.org/wings
Artist's featured work:
Artist's videos:
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